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Orchestrating Streams With Step Functions

Part 3 of "Requesting Unbounded Streams In Aws"

Table of Contents


Part 2 explored how Lambda could be used to manage a long running stream beyond Lambdas 15 minute hard limit. This was achieved by invoking another Lambda instance of the connection manager as the execution limit approached. A new lambda would be spun up to handle incoming events, closing the connection to the initial instance.

This process, although successful, ends up being an awkward mix of the function code as well as the infrastructure orchestration.

The Goal

This post explores if separation between the function code and the instance orchestration can be achieved with AWS Step Functions.

Lambda Connection Manager


This follows on from part 2, so it is assumed that the following are installed and configured:

  • Serverless Framework (v3)
  • AWS account

Connection Manager

The same code from Part 2 can be used after removing all time-keeping, retry, and connection termination logic from the Lambda. The expected behavior will be:

  1. Once invoked, establish a stream to the client
  2. Receive incoming events and write them to the DynamoDB table
  3. Once the Lambda execution limit is reached, the Lambda will terminate, in-turn closing the connection (less than gracefully)
  4. Additional logic is needed to determine the state of stream if closed before the execution limit is reached (more on this later)

Ideally, we would aim for something similar to the below stripped function, with all fo the infrastructure orchestration logic removed:

import json
import os
import urllib3
import boto3
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime

from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.typing import LambdaContext
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

logger = Logger()

ddb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')

STREAM_URI = os.environ['STREAM_URI']
STREAM_KEY = os.environ['STREAM_KEY']
STAGE = os.environ['STAGE']

def handler(event: dict, context: LambdaContext):"START")
    stream_id = event['path']['streamId']
    url = f'{STREAM_URI}/{STREAM_PATH}/{stream_id}'

    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {STREAM_KEY}"

    timeout = urllib3.Timeout(read=TIMEOUT)
    http = urllib3.PoolManager(timeout=timeout)

        # 1. Open Connection
        resp = http.request(
        for chunk in
            # 2. Write each event to DDB
            if chunk and chunk != b'\n':
                write_event(chunk, stream_id)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("An error has occurred during the connection")

def write_event(chunk: bytes, stream_id: str):
    SK = hashlib.sha1(chunk).hexdigest() # our messages are unique and could be duplicated
        data = chunk.decode('utf-8')

                'PK': {
                    'S': stream_id,
                'SK': {
                    'S': SK,
                'data': {
                    'S': data
            ConditionExpression='attribute_not_exists(PK) AND attribute_not_exists(SK)'
    except ClientError as e:  
        if e.response['Error']['Code']=='ConditionalCheckFailedException':
            # Item exists
            logger.error("Error occurred when attempting to store chunk")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("An error has occurred when decoding chunk")

Retry on Timeout

This example allows the Lambda to connect to the server and maintain the connection for as long as possible. Once the connection is closed, the retry logic is used to trigger a new instance of the Connection manager until a success state is reached. Step Function Retry

Once the Lambdas execution limit has been reached, the process is terminated and the function is unable to reach a resolution. Step Function Timeout

This would be considered a failure state, initiating the retry. To test, the Lambda execution time is set for 45 seconds. The task list below demonstrates how the process is restarted each time the Lambda times out. Step Function Task List

This outcome is less than desirable as there is a good 1 - 2 second delay between one Lambda's termination and the next's. There is also a delay between the Lambda's start time and a successful connection to the client.

Staggered Start

An attempt to reduce/eliminate the delay between stream instances would be to implement some staggered functionality, with one instance starting before the next instance begins. This would be similar to previous part, where the new stream is invoked while the connection is still running.

In this example attempts, we use Step Functions to orchestrate 2 staggered branching Lambda functions, ensuring that the second branch would start just before the first instance terminates. Ideally, the left branch would either cause no action on timeout and the right branch would restart the iteration after the wait condition opening another instance of the connection manager before the first closed.

Connection Manager Staggered Start

Due to the nature of how Step Functions work, all parallel branches need to end before the next state can be started, and processes within a parallel process' scope cannot start a process outside of this scope. The above would result in the first Lambda running for it's max time (45 seconds in the example) while the second branch waits for 40 seconds. The second branch would then sit idle waiting for the the first branch to complete. Once both branches are complete, the next iteration will start resulting in a gap between instances.

In addition, the error states will need to be appropriately handled as any failed branches result in the parallel process failure, terminating the state machine.

Another option could be to maintain two independent branches running concurrently throughout the duration of the stream. The first branch will start waiting while the other branch triggers the connection manager immediately. The first branch is set to trigger a new instance of the connection manager just before the instance in the second branch terminates. Both branches are configured trigger the wait flow in the event of a timeout error, or proceed to the end of the branch on successful completion of the stream.

Connection Manager Staggered Start

The main issues with this approach is the the state of each Lambda. Once a connection is started, the client immediately kills the old connection. This results in a success scenario from the first Lambda, stopping its retry loop, leaving one branch to run until the lambda timeout and wait 35 seconds before starting again.

To resolve this, additional logic needs to be added to:

  • Force an error when the connection was closed before the stream is complete
  • Handle the stream ended state both during a connection and when trying to establish a new connection. Handling this may differ from client to client
def handler(event: dict, context: LambdaContext):"START")
    # ...

    stream_ended = False  # <-- keep info about stream

        resp = http.request(
        for chunk in
            # Check if stream has ended
            if end_signal_received(chunk):
                stream_ended = True

            if chunk and chunk != b'\n':
                write_event(chunk, stream_id)

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("An error has occurred during the connection")

    if not stream_ended:
        raise Exception("Stream not closed") # <-- force an error for the retry"END")

def end_signal_received(chunk):
    # Extract the state of the stream from the chunk

After running, here is an example of the processing times using shorter lambda and wait times.

TimeStream AStream B
00:00:00.025Wait (35) startconnection-manager 2 (45) start
00:00:35.080Wait (35) endDuration: 00:00:37.037
00:00:35.136connection-manager (45) start
00:00:36.718connection-manager 2 (45) end
00:00:36.718Duration: 00:00:38.038Wait 2 (35) start
00:01:11.782Wait 2 (35) end
00:01:11.845connection-manager 2 (45) start
00:01:12.791connection-manager (45) end
00:01:12.791Wait (35) startDuration: 00:00:37.037
00:01:47.851Wait (35) end
00:01:48.016connection-manager (45) start
00:01:48.928connection-manager 2 (45) end
00:01:48.928Duration: 00:00:37.037Wait 2 (35) start
00:02:23.990Wait 2 (35) end
00:02:24.049connection-manager 2 (45) start
00:02:24.974connection-manager (45) end


There arnt't many changes required for this approach. The main changes are:

  • Remove all of the invocation logic from the connection manager (outlined above)
  • Define the Step Function
  • Set API GW to Trigger Step function instead of Lambda (configured within step function declaration)
  • Minor updates

Step Function

Since the tests were created in the AWS console, the definition can be directly copied. Here is an example output:

  "Comment": "A description of my state machine",
  "StartAt": "Parallel",
  "States": {
    "Parallel": {
      "Type": "Parallel",
      "Branches": [
          "StartAt": "Wait (35)",
          "States": {
            "Wait (35)": {
              "Type": "Wait",
              "Seconds": 35,
              "Next": "connection-manager (45)"
            "connection-manager (45)": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
              "Parameters": {
                "Payload.$": "$",
                "FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:123456789:function:dev-connection-manager:$LATEST"
              "End": true,
              "Catch": [
                  "ErrorEquals": [
                  "Next": "Wait (35)",
                  "ResultPath": null
              "ResultPath": null
          "StartAt": "connection-manager 2 (45)",
          "States": {
            "connection-manager 2 (45)": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
              "Parameters": {
                "Payload.$": "$",
                "FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:123456789:function:dev-connection-manager:$LATEST"
              "ResultPath": null,
              "Catch": [
                  "ErrorEquals": [
                  "Next": "Wait 2 (35)",
                  "ResultPath": null
              "End": true
            "Wait 2 (35)": {
              "Type": "Wait",
              "Seconds": 35,
              "Next": "connection-manager 2 (45)"
      "ResultPath": null,
      "End": true

Install the serverless-step-functions plugin

$ npm install --save-dev serverless-step-functions

Using an online JSON to YAML converter, we converted the above JSON and added it to the state machine declaration:

# serverless.yml

      name: connectionManagerStateMachine
        Comment: A description of my state machine
        StartAt: Parallel
            Type: Parallel
            - StartAt: Wait
                  Type: Wait
                  Seconds: 35 # <--- update wait time
                  Next: connection-manager
                  Type: Task
                  Resource: arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke
                    Payload.$: "$"
                    FunctionName: arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:${aws:accountId}:function:${sls:stage}-connection-manager
                  End: true
                  - ErrorEquals:
                    - States.TaskFailed
                    Next: Wait
            - StartAt: connection-manager 2
                connection-manager 2:
                  Type: Task
                  Resource: arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke
                    Payload.$: "$"
                    FunctionName: arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:${aws:accountId}:function:${sls:stage}-connection-manager
                  - ErrorEquals:
                    - States.TaskFailed
                    Next: Wait 2
                  End: true
                Wait 2:
                  Type: Wait
                  Seconds: 35 # <--- update wait time
                  Next: connection-manager 2
            End: true

API Gateway Trigger

In Part 2, the API Gateway triggered the connection manager Lambda directly. This needs to be amended to kick of the state machine instead.

Remove the trigger from the Lambda function

# serverless.yml

# ...

  connection-manager: # had to change due to character constraint
    name: ${sls:stage}-connection-manager
    timeout: 45
    handler: connection-manager.handler
    # events:
    #   - http: # using http v1 for async
    #       async: true
    #       method: post
    #       path: /connections/{streamId}
    #       request:
    #         parameters:
    #           paths:
    #             streamId: true # enforcing true
      STREAM_URI: ${file(./env/env.json):URL}
      STREAM_KEY: ${file(./env/env.json):KEY}
      STREAM_PATH: ${file(./env/env.json):URL_PATH}
      STAGE: ${sls:stage}
    iamRoleStatements: # specific lambda IAMs
      - Effect: "Allow"        
          - dynamodb:GetItem
          - dynamodb:PutItem
              - EventTableDbTable
              - Arn
      # - Effect: "Allow" # no longer need permission to invoke the connection manager
      #   Action:
      #     - lambda:InvokeFunction
      #   Resource: arn:aws:lambda:${self:provider.region}:${aws:accountId}:function:${sls:stage}-connection-manager

Add the trigger to the state machine

# serverless.yml

# ...

        - http:
            path: /connections/{streamId}
            method: post
                  streamId: true # enforcing true
              template: lambda_proxy # <-- passes the lambda context to pass request into the step function 
      name: connectionManagerStateMachine
        Comment: A description of my state machine
        # ...

This infrastructure calls for a slight change to the Lambda function as the streamId was being passed in via event['path']['streamId']. However, this is now passed in via event['pathParameters']['streamId']. Update all instances of this in the serverless.yml.


This experiment shows how it is possible to use AWS Step Functions to maintain long running connections well beyond the lifespan of Lambda. All of of the orchestration logic is handled outside of the Lambda functions with minor code changes. This separation has come at a considerable monitory cost by paying for both Lambda and AWS Step Functions.